Secret Censorship Of The Huffington Post

Screen Shot 2014-01-18 at 00.06.47Many of the other articles here talk about the egregious and excessive moderation you run into, as an active member of the Huffington Post commenting community. It’s been a thorn in HP’s side for years, and it’s up to suffocating levels since the Dec. 10 2013 policy change. But for this page, I’d like to shine a little more light on an even more serious and disturbing aspect of The Huffington Post news site: outright censorship of commenters. The reason i would like to do that, is because the people of The Huffington Post do not like it when you shine a light on them. They scatter to the darker corners where they feel more comfortable, and hide there.

But sometimes, light manages to find them. Two years ago, started a petition against censorship tactics used by HuffPost. It reached its goal of gathering over 200 signatures. n.b. The Huffington Post did not permit me to reference this petition on their site, or any other petition against them.

” Comments on the Huffington Post (HP) that are perfectly in compliance with the site’s published policies are regularly censored. Over the last four months we have documented examples of this out of control censorship on the blog: Banned From HuffPo Blog

The many examples documented on this blog are just the tip of the iceberg.  For each example there are thousands more.  These examples reveal a pattern of arbitrary censorship extending far beyond HP’s published moderation policies.

Specific patterns of censorship include:

    • Censorship by Artificial Intelligence program. Although HP has never discussed it openly, moderators have told us via email that the site uses an AI system to pre-screen comments. This AI system regularly censors comments that in no way violate the site’s published standards.
    • Censorship to stifle criticism.  Some HP authors practice routine censorship of comments that point out errors in their reasoning or offer alternative points of view. Specific authors who do this on a regular basis include Deepak Chopra, Amy Suskind, and Robert Lanza.
    • Censorship of comments about the Huffington Post. Any comment that discusses the censorship policy of the site or other issues about how the site is run are almost certain to be censored.

So that was two years ago. HuffPost never cared what its members thought of them, and felt they could happily ignore all the petitions brewing against them. Indeed they could, as their numbers still grew. Their arrogance may however have gotten the best of them this time, for their numbers are no longer growing, but dropping. Posting to Huffington Post today is an even greater excercise in futility and frustration than it was years ago. Because even though they seem to have done away with their “community moderators”, their outright censorship of commenters has never been greater than it is now. Here’s a few more recent examples of what I mean:

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Censorship on comments about the AOL buyout of Huffington Post.

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Censorship from those on the ground in New Orleans, on the handling of the Hurricane Katrina disaster.

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Censorhip of criticism of HP policies by “forpeace”. The user exemplified (in one of two examples) in an article written by HP’s CTO John Pavley, as the type of member all HuffPosters should aspire to be.

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Extreme censorship (by way of banishment) of a member of 6 years good standing, for posting links to a YouTube video he created. The video is a satirical statement, critical of HP policies.

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Censorship of yours truly, on an article glorifying Arianna Huffington. Knowing there was nothing I could say critical of Arianna, I said the only thing I could: that HP would not allow anyone to say anything critical of Arianna Huffington. They proved me right by not allowing that comment through. After several days, there was still no one commenting on her article. Apparently, no one else had anything good to say about Arianna either.

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….and of course, they censored this one as well.

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Censorship of farewells of people leaving HP.

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Censorship of farewells of people leaving HP.

“Freedom of expression is given to people who stand up for what they’re saying and not hiding behind anonymity,” Huffington said shortly after her latest journalistic endeavor was announced.

While Huffington’s certainly justified in this statement, the logic that reinforces it suggests potentially perilous behavior, especially as the integration of media and web brings about more struggles.

A person’s right to voice their own opinions isn’t rooted in their intentions; it’s rooted in their humanity.

Our rights as citizens aren’t variable to how we plan on using them. While Huffington’s latest policy isn’t quite an infringement on these rights, it’s certainly a step in a perilous direction.

The annoyance of online trolls is universally undeniable. However, as technology becomes increasingly integral to our lives, it’s absolutely critical that we’re able to differentiate between basic regulations and a decision in the premature stages of becoming an infringement on our basic human rights. “

The Daily Cougar

The Problem With The Huffington Post – New Commenting System, Media Bias

Facebook sued for invading users’ privacy

The HuffPoster’s Anonymous 12 Step Recovery Program

paper_bag_zitsIn essence, since 2005, The Huffington Post managed to create a large community of addicts, so-called “news junkies”. Then on Dec. 10 2013, they blocked the source of their addiction. Effectively making thousands of previous HuffPo addicts go “cold turkey”; without their daily fix of news and commenting.

If this comes anywhere near describing you, The Huffington Poster 12-Step Recovery Program, is your answer.


  • Step 1: Admit you are not alone. Whatever anguish, hurt or resentment you are feeling, rest assured that tens of thousands of other HuffPosters are feeling the same thing.

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    • Step 2.: Admit that, it wasn’t your fault. Do not think that perhaps if you had only responded to Teabagger Ted in a slightly more civil way, this would never have happened. It would have happened. Remember, America was built on greed, and Arianna is now an American.


  • Step 3.: Admit that there is no “higher power” greater than ourselves. For if there was, he would have cast a swarm of locusts over the NY offices of Huffington Post back in August, when they started this bullshit thing of Facebooking everyone.



  • Step 4.: Admit that anonymity is not a crime. If it were, Alcoholics Anonymous would be holding all their meetings in prison.Screen Shot 2014-01-15 at 15.58.36



  • Step 5.: Pray each and every day that Huffington Post dips further down in the Quantcast U.S. site ranking ratings.



  • Step 6.: Stop obsessing over Huffington Post’s site ratings.



  • Step 7.: If you feel a relapse coming on, and you absolutely have to comment on Huffington Post, then comment on Huffington Post’s Maghreb Edition. Trust me, they could use the page hits.



  • Step 8.: Admit that you have an addiction to The Huffington Post. How do you know you have an addiction? If you can’t go 25 minutes without a sideboob article, you may be an HP addict.



  • Step 9.: Forgive. Forgive HP for the lies and the abuse they heaped upon you. For you know in your heart of hearts, this time next year, they will all be on the unemployment line, looking for a new job.



  • Step 10.: Stop wishing for the failure of Huffington Post. Make peace with your past.



  • Step 11.: Forget step 10. That was stupid.



  • Step 12.: Gradually replace your addiction with a different addiction. Learn to chew gum. Or wash down your troubles with a nice glass of milk. Or get your news from other sources, and give someone else your clicks. For example… Epoch Times.



Interview With A HuffPost Addict

The Huffington Poster conducted an exclusive interview with “Huffy Pasture”, a long-time member of the Huffington Post commenting community who wishes to remain anonymous. Fortunately, as her account is now linked with Facebook, a quick check there and you can find out everything you want to know about “Huffy Pasture”. Including how many aspirin bottles she keeps in her medicine cabinet.


HPer: If you can, please describe to us what you felt when you first learned about the new policy, requiring you to get a verified Facebook account in order to continue commenting.

Huffy Pasture: I felt like I was mugged by the NSA.

HPer: Really?

Huffy Pasture: No. I felt like I was gang-banged by the NSA, and Mark Zuckerberg was leading the charge.

HPer: Ok. When did you start to realize you were a Huffington Post addict?

Huffy Pasture: The baby.

HPer: The baby?

Huffy Pasture: Yes. I have a 6-month old baby. Every day, I started noticing a stronger and stronger smell from the baby’s room. Evidently, I had been neglecting to change her diapers. Dang thing kept interfering with my keeping up with the Kardashians, Miley Cyrus and Justin Bieber. Finally I learned to just drown out the screams and meditate on my Huff-P.

HPer: Well, I see how that can certainly…. be a problem….

HPer: Tim McDonald, Jimmy Soni and Arianna Huffington have inviteed you to dine with them atop the Empire State building in New York. What would you wish you could tell them?

Huffy Pasture: I wouldn’t say anything.

HPer: Nothing?

Huffy Pasture: No. I’d just push them off the building.

HPer: Oooookayy….


Identity Exposure vs. Anonymity

Screen Shot 2014-01-08 at 01.57.32I know I’ve talked about the reasons for anonymity in other articles here. But I’d like to use this page to focus on a more methodical and objective approach to the issue. It deserves a critical look, because as people’s privacies are being eroded from everyone from Target and Wal-mart stores to the NSA, it’s becoming an important issue. It is a trend that is beginning to take over our beloved internet. The Huffington Post is not the first or only site with a discussion section, turning to social media, or other means of stripping people of their privacy and anonymity.

A study was done by the World Association of Newspapers and News Publishers involving 103 news blogs over 63 countries, that outlines the issue at hand. It was reported:

“Real name registration vs. allowing anonymity is a divisive issue, with no consensus of which was preferable.’- “Online Comment Moderation: Emerging Best Practices“. WAN-IFRA
“in times of financial difficulties, a costly initiative such as comment moderation, without any immediate and obvious financial benefit, is not always a priority. However, there are many organisations which see them as an essential element in fostering a real community around their publication or a niche topic. Comments are believed to increase reader engagement, both in terms of time spent on site, and in terms of loyalty.” – WAN-IFRA Report.

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It’s reported that younger generations care less about their privacy being eroded, and HP cares more about younger generations. This may have emboldened HP to try the real identity policy out, if they intend to target a younger audience. However, HP themselves have reported that Facebook is no longer very popular with younger audiences these days.

We have a new generation comfortable using Facebook and other mobile apps and who, according to recent survey data, are quite willing to share personal information with companies and brands in exchange for value provided. They are also relatively unconcerned about the security of data they share on social networks. The bottom line is that this type of authorization-based relationship between brand and user is likely to become the norm. – “Why Permission Marketing Is the Future of Online Advertising

The erosion and hijacking of hard-fought personal rights and freedoms of expression for citizens is happening far beyond the confines of The Huffington Post. Far beyond the borders of the United States. It is occurring with the ITU (International Telecommunication Union), with several of the world’s major countries battling for control of freedom on the internet at large….

” The right to be anonymous on the internet, as a means to protect one’s identity against government bullying or to be able to express one’s opinion without hindrances, is waning in the United States of America. But the battle for the freedom of speech on the Internet has wider, global implications, the impact of which we are now seeing on for example.

Internet freedom is increasingly under attack in the ‘free world’, with the US battling it out against the United Nation’s ITU for control over the Internet. The battle for such control, and over who really owns the right on how the Internet should be governed, became nastier in 2012 with Russia and China entering the fray. ” – “US: The right to be anonymous”, Kazi Mahmood, World Future Online.

Results of the HuffPost Social Engineering Experiment

Screen Shot 2014-01-06 at 13.20.24It’s hard to get scientific numbers on the drop-offs in membership since HuffPost enacted its verified-Facebook account policy. Only they  can issue accurate membership stats. And given reports by many members that their accounts were not deleted when requested, and the suspicions this raised about HP keeping accounts to raise their membership profiles, they may not be trusted to do so. So Poynter did an informal research into the impact of Huffington’s “real identity policy”. They wrote:

At HuffPost, where homepage stories used to routinely attract thousands of comments, relatively few front-page stories seem to be cracking quadruple digits now, as HuffPost “ex-pats” have rather gleefully — and anecdotally — noted. (For a nonscientific example, contrast this mid-day homepage from mid-November with this one from mid-December.) Certainly being able to divert fewer resources to comment moderation is an advantage, but HuffPost seems more concerned with the quality of comments than the quantity. – “HuffPost policy banishes trolls — and drives away some frequent commenters” – Poynter

The first headline article in November had 1,885 comments. The one posted on Dec. 17 had 90 comments, by the time it was locked up. The above statement does reflect anecdotal evidence I and others have heard from members of The Huffington Post, about the dramatic drop in commenting numbers on most articles seen on the home page. Indeed, on other editions of Huffington Post, such as HuffPost France or Quebec, comments have dwindled down to a smattering in recent times. On Al Huffington Post Maghreb, they are nowhere to be seen.

Do “Real Names” Promote Civil Dialogue?

Screen Shot 2014-01-05 at 11.54.59Well, you can ask Lizz Winstead that question. She’s an American TV personality, comedian, and blogger. She takes to Twitter at times, and posted a “tweet” that was a satirical commentary about the anti birth-control movement’s reaction against Obamacare; saying their only answer to unwanted pregnancies is to “hot-glue gun your knees together”. That’s pretty tame by my standards, but uh…. not by the birthers. According to them, you just killed Jesus a second time. The responses got pretty ugly, but according to Lizz Winstead, its par for the course. Some were “tweeted” under anonymous names, although they may well have used their real photos in their avatars. But here’s a few using real names and sometimes photos. Let’s see if posting under real names really prevents people from acting like the fucking creeps that they are….  – Source: “Lizz Winstead talks to Raw Story about the creepy men who make the Internet a hellhole

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Since Huffington Post uses Facebook to keep people in line, the next natural question would have to be, does posting on Facebook make people behave?


Not on your life. Stories of bad behavior on Facebook, where everyone is “supposed” to be using their real names, are far, many and wide. While I’ve never heard of that happening on Huffington Post, people posting comments on Facebook have killed people.  One example shows teens creating a hate page on Facebook wishing another teen dead (they almost got their wish). In another example, bullies did manage to kill another teenager through their Facebook comments.

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So if real names do not prevent civilized behaviour, why does it appear more civilized on Huffington Post since Dec. 10?


In a word, moderation. But the first question to ask is, is it really “civilized”? After all, people have been reporting seeing the same trolls and even commercial spammers since before the policy change. But there has been a marked change in the quantity of trollish comments. Some of that could well be due to the change in the number of comments, period. But since Dec. 10, even though comment guidelines have not changed, there appears to be a much window of allowable opinions. A lot less that Huffington, or their AI comment software “JuLia”, will tolerate.

This being the case, The Huffington Post example is not a good one, for showing correlation that “real names” stop trolls. In fact, as many times as I have asked commenters on The Huffington Post to defend their argument that half-assed attempts to eliminate fake names will eliminate trolls, no one yet has been able to post a valid study demonstrating this in real world terms.

“I Married A Comment Nazi”

Number 12 looks just like youThe March of the Modzi Killbots

There are a lot of reasons why from Dec. 10, The Huffington Post will never be the same again.  I could forget the cash-grab member-bullying schemes of demanding your cell phone numbers, birthdays, friend lists and Facebook signups. Done so HP could give you permission to continue commenting and maintain your relations with your HP friends and fans, while they sold your personal information to advertisers to exploit you. I could forget I was ever lied to, and told our real names would never be posted on our comments. I could ignore the massive data trackers they tag on you when you are on, or perhaps off, their site.  I could pretend the comment sections were as populated as before Dec. 10, and there was not a fraction of the participation I was used to seeing. I could even ignore the sense of betrayal I feel, and the immense contempt I now have for the greedy callous bastards that make up the corporation that is The Huffington Post.

I could go back to the days before August 2013, when I never really thought that much about how HuffPost works and who was doing what to whom in that company. Where I never thought worse of the corporation that is HuffPost, than “they suck”. But there is one change from Dec. 10 I will never be able to surmount: the moderation nazi killbots. This will never change. Except, to become even more restrictive in the future. Tonight, I share what I know about that, and what I have learned:

Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 23.05.59The Huffsters have always liked the idea of excessive moderation. Almost as much as the idea of paying little for it (their senior moderator, “Rob S.”, explains they don’t have money for more moderators. Who knew the $315 million AOL invested isn’t enough to pay the staff?). That’s why early on, they bought out “Adaptive Semantics”, who created the “JuLia” bot comment moderating system. Even way back in 2007 and 2008, HP gained such a notorious reputation for unjust censorship, that websites and petitions started springing up around the net.

But by 2010, the “excessive moderation” grew to “unbearable and inexplicable” moderation. Some members rolled with the punches. And as a member of Huffington Post, you could always expect to get punches from the administration. Those members may not have liked it, but they didn’t hate it enough to leave (exactly what HP knew and was counting on). Others reacted with indignation and outrage, to the excessive restrictions of the moderation system. Some posted their outrage where people could hear; on the site itself. But of course, the moderation system saw that most of those were obliterated. Some just left in protest, realizing HP does not care about its members and won’t budge on their policy changes.

killbot 2All this is bad enough, but it becomes mind-numblingly bad when you find out that…. the “comment nazis” may not actually be human. It appears there is very little of human eyes that reads your comments. Even the responses you get from complaints you make to HP are not likely to be from humans either. Think about it. You have 70 million comments sailing through per year on HP. And there are only 40, maybe 50 moderators handling that.

The Mandate Is From The Corporation

So this “JuLia” modbot system they have in place (“Just a Linguistic Algorithm”)… well it appears from what the moderators themselves are saying, she handles the vast majority of comments. Not just the ones that trigger her flagged word list. The humans are only going to handle the ones that JuLia lets through. This may be why you might think “Wow, one of my comments actually made it up there! I must be special!”… only to find it gone hours later. A human moderator may have decided that JuLia was being too permissive. JuLia is even designed to detect sarcasm. Sarcasm! Yes, The Huffington Post does not even want sarcasm in their comment sections. If you are finding the new Huffington Post bland and vanilla-like, there’s one good reason why. And if you think The Huffington Post cares about your silly opinions of their new moderating system, read this:

” ‘     We have a mandate to moderate’

Really? From who? Have you ever solicited the input of your users? I’ve been on the site since it launched and I don’t recall ever seeing any discussions or solicitation for feedback about the policy. I think this is what bothers me the most, that there is no discussion about the censorship policy. And any comments about it get censored! I think you should have an article posted by you or Ariana or your CTO describing where you are and where you are going and encouraging people to give their opinion.” – Red Dog

“The mandate is from the corporation. I wasn’t aware Huffington Post needed anybody else’s permission for how it moderates comments stored on its servers and displayed on its website.” – Rob S., Senior Moderator, Administrative, Huffington Post

Screen Shot 2013-12-29 at 13.01.57So yeah, that’s your soul-crushing corporation killbot mentality all right. Though they need your pre$ence to $urvive, and attract new client$, they don’t need your unsolicited input on any aspect of how they go about their business. And that’s what pretty much kills HP for me. Because as far as The Grump goes, “a day without sarcasm, is like a day without sunshine”. Indeed, after Dec. 10, I noticed that many of the comments I made that got deleted, had elements of sarcasm. There were too many to be a coincidence. So now I know why HP’s comment section is such a boring read these days! For all the reasons mentioned above, and this one, it is just no fun commenting on HP any longer.

Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 11 fxNot only did HP ignore their most serious users complaints about the moderation in 2010, but by Dec. 10 2013, they put it into overdrive. Where people were expecting less moderation due to having to give up their privacy and post under their real names, they got much more. Jokes, poetry, criticism against HP staff or policies, names of certain movies or bands, goodbye letters to your friends, passionate opinions, sarcasm, any mention of Arianna, anything that went against the grain (“grain” to be defined by the corporation)… all of it went into JuLia’s built-in commentary wood chipper. It got to where posting to HP felt like I was on an episode of Seinfeld. But instead of a “soup nazi”, I had to be wary of the “comment nazi”. Follow the line, be still, don’t talk out of turn, speak clearly, have your comment order ready, be prepared with exact change, don’t criticize the establishment…

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How To Tank A News Blog in 30 Days Or Less

305873_titanic1. How To Tank A News Blog in 30 Days Or Less

Do you own a large news blog on the internet? Has it been climbing in popularity since 2008? Was it one of the top 20 U.S. websites on the net? Are you sick of the popularity its getting? Do you wish you could just pull the plug on all that? You’ve come to the right place. Start here:

1. Change things around a lot.

Your readership is largely in the 44-55 age group. They hate things changing all the time so, hire lots of web-savvy social-sucking 20-somethings to introduce new changes to the system every 5 minutes. It will drive the non-web savvy members mad, you’ll love it.

2. Put your readers in “comment cage prison”.

Does your news blog have a pretty good commenting interface that most people like? Get rid of it. Introduce an uglier, more convoluted new system, with less color and more clicks. Make it less intuitive and easy to use, but tell users it is more intuitive and easy to use. This worked for Apple, it will work for you. If you start to get a lot of furious complaints, then see, it is working already! Above all, do not let your customers boss you around.

3. Strip your customers of their dignity, autonomy and privacy.

If you introduce an idea that fails to be popular with a segment of your readership, force it on everybody. Get rid of the dead weight by demanding all subscribers own mobiles with text plans,  join Facebook, and give you all their personal information. You will see accounts die like the coming of the plague.

4. Lie to your customers.

Promise them one thing, do another. e.g. Tell them you are not going to print their real names on their comments, they have nothing to worry about. Then do just that. Continue to lie when they complain about you lying to them.

5. Moderate the life out of your comment community.

People often come to commenting news blogs because they like conversations that are dynamic, lively, entertaining, diverse, even contrary to what they believe. Don’t give them that. Squeeze out any and all comments that are anything but bland endorsements for the site, its bloggers, its advertisers, its moderators or its byline. Remember: The Mandate is from the Corporation“.

6. Don’t leave anyone out.

You may have readers that have been active for years, who have amassed 10,000 or more friends and followers, “super users”, community moderators, bloggers, pundits… the so-called “influencers” that advertisers want to make love to. Don’t leave anyone out. Alienate them all.

2. Hufftown. Population: 0.


I hate to be a Negative Nellie, but uh…. things are not looking all that good for the Huffsters at Hufftown, from where I or Quantcast is standing. There are some painful facts about reader losses that will need to be reckoned with. I’m assuming they are “painful”, because every time I tried to mention the facts exposed on this page on HP itself… well, JuLia did not like that one bit. She just wouldn’t let ’em through.

While the comment counts on articles have been greatly reduced since Dec. 10, at least some things are getting through, on the U.S. Huffington Post. On The Huffington Post Maghreb however…. they might as well rename it, “The Huffington Post Mars”. Because the site is a barren ghost town. I checked the front page weeks ago, and I checked it today. Every time I check it, the number of comments there remain the same: zero. Bupkis. Nada. Zip scratch all. This is the front page article. Notice any number after “comments”?:

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This is the rest of the articles on the home page of The Huffington Post Maghreb Edition. See if you can count the combined number of comments of all articles on this page. (Hint: There are zero).

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Now, why do you suppose that is? HuffPost Maghreb opened a year ago, so it’s not like no one’s heard of the place. Could it have something to do with what was reported in Huffington Post UK about a Tunisian blogger who got 7 years in prison for citing comments on Facebook that offended the fiefdom? That could certainly make Tunisisans a bit shy about posting to HP, since they need a Facebook account to do so. Another interesting factoid: The Huffington post is notorious for not paying its bloggers. They have 18,000 bloggers on their Slave-o-dex that they don’t pay, who provide 50% of their content. Then they have salaried staff “interns” who are paid $13,000 a year. But imagine how bad it must be for bloggers at “Al Fuggington Post Maghreb”. The Huffsters have actually found new ways to fugg their bloggers at the Maghreb office. Not only do they not get paid, but they don’t even get the satisfaction of having people read or comment on their articles. What a burn!

3. Open your big mouth. Watch your numbers go south.

They say that if you don’t learn from history, you are doomed to repeat it. But I say, if you don’t learn from your own history, then you’re a complete moron and deserve to fail. I am referring to “TechCrunch”, the tech news blog. Its owned by AOL, the same company that later bought The Huffington Post. In 2011, TC got the bright idea to deal with their “troll problem”, by Facebooking their comment sections. One year later, after the mutiny, they were begging their users to come back. Yeah, even the trolls. So, AOL must either have a very short memory or a fetish for Russian roulette.

Feast a gander on this headline here:

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” The number of visitors on the Huffington Post sharply dropped several days after it implemented a highly controversial new comment policy. The number of global visitors dropped to 3 million on Christmas Day (2013), the lowest number the site had seen since April 24, 2011, according to figures from Quantcast. A Huff Post representative didn’t respond to a request for internal numbers about how the new comment policy has impacted the number of visitors, traffic, and number of users. ”  – “Huff Post: Number of Visitors Drops to 2-Year Low Following Comment Policy Change” – Epoch Times

The Huffingtons had “no comment” when Epoch knocked on their door and asked them how they thought their new policy was working out, in light of the 2-year low. Oh, quelle surprise!

On Dec. 5, HP peaked at 9, 619, 550 unique web visitors. One day after D-Day (Dec. 10), the site lost a half million visitors. By the end of year, Dec. 27, they had 3.4 million. That’s a loss difference of more than 6 million unique visitors in a span of 3 weeks. And all it would have taken to prevent that, is someone on AOL’s HP getting on the horn with some geek at AOL’s TechCrunch company and going “So. You know that Facebooking comment experiment you tested? How did that work out for you guys?”.

Here are some more sobering statistics we can look at, to see how Huffington Post’s latest social engineering experiment is going. In the “How Do Ya Like Me Now?” dept., I have just been handed a bulletin (thanks, “UCBalum”!) that shows some site stats for December.

Quantcast update: US Rank: HuffPost slipped from #9 to lucky #13 in a week’s time. More people are reading restaurant reviews on Yelp than news articles on Huffington Post.:

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Weekly View – New Lows:
There have not been so few PEOPLE visiting HP since June, 2011
There have not been so few UNIQUE VISITORS at HP since June, 2011
There have not been so few TOTAL VISITS to HP since May, 2011
There have not been so few PAGE VIEWS since December, 2010

Well, on the plus side, at least the moderators don’t have to work so hard any longer.

My man in the field, “RF Dude”, comes in with this report:

Dec. 27 2013, a Friday, the number of visitors fell 600,000 short of the average for a Saturday on HP. Saturday is consistently the worst day of the week for HP traffic, by far.

Compared to previous years:
Dec. 27 2013 was lower than the same day last year by 1.7 million
Dec. 27 2013 was lower than the same day the year before last by 2.2 million

Average bounce 2 days after Christmas:

This year a 40% bounce (1 million visitors)
Last year a 70% bounce (2.2 million visitors)
The year before last a 90+% bounce (2.7 million visitors)

Relative Rank on Alexa:

This year, HP is about 30% below it’s trailing 3-month relative global rank
Last year at this time, HP was around 12% to 15% below it’s trailing 3-month global rank
(I like relative rank because it compares all sites, and a slowdown on a day like Christmas would not necessarily show heavily because Christmas is slow for almost everyone)

Personal Observations:

The number of comments on HP is way down. The quality of comments on HP were bland and agreeable the first week but have now become just as trollish as they were before, if not more. HP seems to be running more titillating headlines than before – maybe in an attempt to woo viewers and spark comments…this would be an uncomfortable inconsistency – to simultaneously take steps to lower user privacy and “civilize” the conversation while working harder to provoke emotional responses. I think they call that having your cake and eating it too. That’s what kids (not grown-ups) do.

4. There Is No Such Thing As Bad Publicity (When You’re Trying To Tank Your News Blog)

Then there is the media reaction to HuffPost’s popular move of making their membership Facebook slaves. It’s been slow, but steadily negative. I’ve not seen a positive reaction to this at all, after the fact. This is good news for someone who wants to destroy their website’s reputation. Here’s a few examples:

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Tribute To The Martyrs

115A community is defined by its people. It is one of those things that is greater than the sum of its parts. I admit, I never really thought of the people who commented on HP as a “community”, until they started rising up and taking their stand. All of a sudden, their faces became clear. Their voices became heard. Their stories at times, touching. Their disheartenment and their loss, tangible. It felt as though on Dec. 10, HP had triggered bombs on their own territory, and the remnants of the homes and the people in them, scattered to the four corners of the internet. I don’t know how many members were displaced in this way, from the policy changes of December 2013. But each major, long-term member on HP was reporting the loss of dozens and hundreds of fans and friends along the way. So much destruction and harm, to reduce the troll population by 0.09%.

Each of those members that fell off the face of the Huffington map has a story to tell of why that happened, and what they lost. I wish I could tell them all, because they are all saying something. But I can only touch upon a few of the stories that I happened upon, that for me, paint the picture in bold colors and bring it to life. Its the sort of thing you won’t generally read on The Huffington Post site itself, because… well, it makes them look bad, so they don’t like to allow that.

n.b. If you want to share your story about having to leave the HuffPost communtiy, by all means…

Sharyn G.
(“Super User”, approx. 3,400 fans):

Sometime after Dec. 10, I was responding to a comment someone named “Sharyn G.” posted, and as I was about to send it off, I was duly informed by the HP killbot that the comment I was replying to was already deleted. “You have got to be kidding me”, I thought. The comment was a one-line affair, completely innocuous, absolutely not offensive or against published guidelines. She was simply telling her friends and fans at HP “goodbye”. So I reposted Sharyn G.’s comment in the thread, to embarass the brass and show people what kind of oppressive rule we were living under.

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I have defended comment deletions a few times in the past, when I was responding to a perfectly civil comment that the moderation deleted before I could get a chance. I later learned that this member who’s comment I defended was a vibrant and passionate young woman, struck by deafness in 2008. Her community place on The Huffington Post was in many ways a refuge of normalcy for her. A place where she could just hang out and be one of the guys, without being treated differently due to her visible disability. Simply because no one knew about it on the internet.

She stuck around a bit longer on HP, after the deleted goodbye post. I presume to express her remaining feelings about the mistreatment we all felt at the hands of HP. Sharyn has since been banned from The Huffington Post, however. It came switfly and silently, within one hour of writing a comment regarding her opinion of how the policy change was not due an imagined “troll emergency”. Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 15.18.54But how much money HP stands to make from a deal that garners Facebook an improved stock portfolio from the number of accounts HP was adding to its roster. And the woman came with facts, she wasn’t playing around. I in fact took her facts and ran with it myself on HuffPost.

As of this writing, I have not been banned yet. Proving it was clearly not a policy issue, but a personal thing someone on staff had against her. Something tells me that “someone” is community director Tim McDonald, who had her banned. Prior to that, Sharyn went on his Twitter account, with her complaints about the policy changes. Oh, but I’m sure that’s just a coincidence (cough).Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 15.19.54

(Member 2 years, approx. 2,00 fans):

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 16.22.52USAGramma was a survivor of The Huffington Post. But surviving the violation of her privacy rights by HuffPost was nothing, compared to what she suffered prior to that. USAGramma was a survivor of the most extreme kind of domestic violence imaginable. She had married a maniac, who stalked her, attacked her, and very nearly killed her. She was left with numerous physical disabilities, brain trauma, and PTSD.

With her reduced mobility due to the attacks she suffered, USAGramma found great benefit and therapeutic value from getting in touch with her online community of subjects and supporters on the old Huffington Post. But once the advent of the convoluted new commenting format and “conversation carousels” arrived, USAGramma had to reduce both her comment writing and comment reading on HP. This was due to the extra difficult clicking mechanisms brought by the new formats. Neither compatible with her virtual keyboard or limited physical abilities.

Come the new changes of Dec. 10, she knew her maniac ex would finish the job if he knew where she was. All she had to do was allow the unconcerned Huffington Empire to post her real name on her HP messages on the internet, and that would have been enough to track her down and get her killed. Given how no one that I had personally heard from ever succeeded in begging The Huffington Post for their alleged anonymity exemption for those at risk, I am not surprised that USAGramma is no longer a member on HP.

(Member since 2006, 4,330 fans & friends).

“ForPeace” was a model, exemplary citizen of Huffingtonville. So exemplary in fact, HuffPost itself made an example of her in an article they wrote, while propagandizing the place to condition some minds for the upcoming sweeping policy changes!

Our best HuffPost users create colorful identities that they wear like vanity license plates on their comments identifying their inner selves with usernames like “forpeace” and “Patriot1942”. These users build up a fan base and a solid reputation. If all Internet users had the integrity of “forpeace” and “Patriot1942” we would not have a problem that we need solve on our pages. – John Pavley, CTO, The Huffington Post. “Free Speech and Identity Verification: Combating the Challenge of Trolling

John Pavley was right. “ForPeace” is a person of integrity, and above all, truth. This is why she responded to HP’s many unpopular site changes in John’s very article thread, thusly:

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But, if you follow her comments on that thread, we see once again that reality and truth are in bitter disagreement with the lies and spinning spew coming from the fingers of Huffington Post editorial staff, speaking on their policy changes. For in direct contradiction to their own words in their own article highlighting this model member, the HP moderating staff even considered their exemplary citizen, “ForPeace”, an uncivil troll with a bad-attitude hell-bent on destroying the “Peace” of the HP community. Thus they moderated the hell out of her comments on that thread, and everyone else’s, in order to give the impression of the thread “naturally winding itself down”. Which btw, is the very same thing they are now doing on a related thread, Tim McDonald’s “Turning The Page on Anonymity”.

Here is “ForPeace”‘s reaction to having her comments and opinions on the thread subject moderated out of existence:

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So what happened to ForPeace? The same thing that has happened to tens of thousands of HuffPosters since the introduction of the oppressive comment, moderation and registration policy changes that have been frustrating and alienating the HP community since August. After many years of contributing some 30,000 serious, and extremely civil opinions to the site, despite doing so under an anonymous handle, she ended up leaving The Huffington Post. As an act of defiance in reaction to their utter disregard and contempt for their readers. I thought ForPeace’ departure, announced on the article that exemplified her,  was a very bittersweet commentary underscoring the complete and utter failure of HP’s over-zealous ad-centric policy changes and ideas.

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Honestly, I’m not exactly sure why this member is on this tribute page. He had not crossed my personal sphere. Never even heard of him through the stories of others. But he is the other model exemplary citizen mentioned in John Pavley’s article. So I had to do some research on him to find out what his story is. And now I know why I’d not heard of him….

Patriot1942 has exactly “0” fans. 0 fans and 10 friends. Amassed from 102 comments over a three year period. I think I did 102 comments on my first day there. But out of the literally millions of examples he could have used, John Pavley thought to mention Patriot1942 as one of those who “built up a solid reputation and user fan base”. One who had so much integrity, that if we could all be like him, then maybe members at risk of getting killed like “USAGramma” above, would still be able to post to HP. Yup, that’s their argument and their sticking to it. So I took a look at the 102 comments of Patriot1942. Honestly? I didn’t see anything that “exemplary”. But, I’m not an expert on civil social behavior, so you be the judge:

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“And the winner for most integrity and un-troll like behavior is…. ‘LIKE GOD CARES’. Come on up and collect your prize, sir!”

I admit. That sounds a lot like something I might have written. And I’ve been banned from more forums than not. That’s why I say, its hard to believe this guy won the admiration of HuffPost’s CTO for “model citizen of Huffingtonia”. But maybe that one was just a fluke…

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…..Or maybe not. Ok, so Patriot1942 may not be the second coming of Jesus. But what’s his story, anyway? Did he continue being a shining example of what a HuffPoster is supposed to look and sound like after the new policy changes? Well, hard to say. There are no more comments from him after Dec. 10. After Dec. 10, once the lying new policy requirements took hold, and everyone needed to verify a cell phone and a Facebook account, there were vast numbers of people that just seemed to have disappeared into the Bermuda Triangle. I take it that Patriot1942 was probably steering the ship.

It’s kind of sad when you think about it. Because according the top honcho CTO of The Huffington Post, there are no more citizens to hold as exemplary models of behavior on HuffPost.

wildcanadiangeese: (Super User, 2,000+ fans & friends)

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It’s a good thing he likes cemeteries. ‘Cos he’s dead to HP, now.

Another HP member who’s account profile has been deleted, a search for his name now leading to a virtual gravemarker saying “Profile has been removed”. WCG’s story is another one of genuine concerns about retaining your right to privacy and anonymity on the internet. When he didn’t one day, on a thread discussing Canadian geese of all things, one member investigated his name, and discovered a link to a workman’s comp site. WCG was then attacked by said net-stalker for trying the cheat the compensation board. When WCG complained about it, he was told “nothing on the internet is private”. Meanwhile, even the Canadian geese are saying “Hey, can we get back to the subject of us, guys? You know, quack, quack?”. WCG came across another similar situation on Facebook with a military-type gun nut psycho.

I can say, I know WCG’s story well, because I had forumers without a life try to investigate me as well (the operative word here being “try”. I always knew better than to post my name on an internet forum. Or use the same moniker twice).

William Holder:

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 18.49.57Member William Holder is not someone who had anything particular against HP’s new “real names” policy, as he appears to have always used his real name on Huffington Post. All the same, he did not survive HP’s war against its own community, and as a result is no longer posting there. Mr. Holder is one of the HP community members who is chronically ill, homebound, and has neither need nor finances for a cellphone. Which is required for the new, hip, advertiser-driven Huffington Post. Thus, HP has no need for him, you see. “Sorry, Bill! Call us when you become a key demographic!“. As Mr. Holder so eloquently writes about the way things have been going these days; “Opinion is the province of the affluent. I hope this doesn’t start a trend of disenfranchising the least fortunate around us.“.

I don’t know, Bill. Is TechCrunch, The Blaze, Slate, YouTube, Facebook, The Huffington Post and South Korea big enough to start a trend? Well, not if their users vote with their feet, I would think.

(4,200 fans):

Screen Shot 2014-01-02 at 18.21.38Here’s a member you could trust with your newborn child. You know that, because her genuine nature comes through in her online comments. There was a time, when she related some very, very personal, painful experiences she lived through. She may have done so to help others, or herself, heal from that. But above all, she did so under the guise of anonymity. It’s not the sort of thing you would normally expose about yourself under your real name.

However. Here’s the problem. After Dec. 10, The Huffington Post applies your real name to all your comments. New and old. They don’t care. They have a team of high priced lawyers that gives them all the confidence they need to do that sort of thing to people. As a natural result, members like Blue Eyed Bull can not continue in the online community they once loved that was The Huffington Post. On account of the exposure it would mean to the things they wrote while believing their comments and conversations were anonymous.


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Peegan’s story is an important one, and a cautionary tale for other sites thinking of going the way of Huffington Post. But it deserves to be featured on its own page, and that page is here.


“Rasta seh – guidance forever!
But backra seh
‘pay the difference due’
Rasta seh – guidance everlasting!
But backra seh
‘pay the difference due’
A wah dem a go do when the time comes around?
A wah dem a go say?
My people are in a mess!
(You suffer, and dem call it slack)
But nobody wants to know.
(You suffer, and dem turn their back)
‘Cause when you’re down and out and oppressed
(You suffer, and dem call it slack)
You’ve got to fight your battles from the lowest of the low.
(You suffer, and dem turn their back)
So keep your distance and take your stance.
‘Cause this could be your utmost chance.
You’ve had all night and day
to consider and pray.
You’ve brought fire ‘pon my head
and now you must pay.”
– “Babylon Makes The Rules”
Steel Pulse

The Comment Graveyard

Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.14.44The Huffington Post started its life out with an extreme focus on comment moderation. They invested in technology from Adaptive Semantics, a comment-killing AI bot system lovingly named “JuLia”. In addition, they hired 40-50 full time moderators. Then they allowed pundits and bloggers to moderate comments. On top of that, they ‘deputized’ almost anyone that wanted to be a “community moderator”. By now they had such a stifling moderating system, that the biggest complaint HP community members had, centered around the crazy, inexplicable reasons their comments were being deleted. Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.23.41The moderation was so bad, people were putting out blogs about how bad it was. HP responded by upping their game. They added a “FLAG” button, which allowed you to stick the offensive comment directly into the moderators eyes. You’d think this merry-go-round of moderation would finally come full stop when a “MUTE” button was added. If you read something you didn’t like, this feature gave power to everyone to make someone’s comments “sleep with the fishes”.

Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.19.55After all this, The Huffington Post now had the most censored, moderated discussion community of any news blog this side of red China. But Arianna still was not pleased. (So the story goes…). So even though there were a dozen things they could have done to put the power of deleting or hiding offensive comments in the hands of the community, they used the imagined problem of “trolls” as a pre-text to invade the privacy of their members lives. But at the same time, they really did impose heretofore-never-seen censorship on a Western news blog. Whereas the moderation on Huffington was suffocating before, now it was positively fatal. About 25% of your posts could be killed instantly by “JuLia”, the auto-delete bot, if it contained a flagged word. Unfortunately, some of those words were in the article you were responding to. Other “JuLia” flagged words you might have found in the ‘Journal of American Sciences’. And suddenly, just about every article on the news site became an article of a “potentially sensitive nature”. Whether the article was about farting puppy dogs, or the most calorific mac and cheese recipes on the planet, it was now of a “potentially sensitive nature”. Another way of saying “Hang on, chump. We’re takin’ our sweet time with this, now. So if you’re eager to find out if your comment got wiped out or not, expect that to take a long time”.

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Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.22.45Arianna Huffington said to an audience in Boston:

‘Freedom of expression is given to people who stand up for what they’re saying and not hiding behind anonymity,’ Huffington said.”

And people actually thought she meant it. But in fact, after Dec. 10, when everyone had to post under their real names and verify their identities, members were shocked to see an escalation of heavy-handed moderation tactics. Many reported comment-kill rates of 60-90% (mine were closer to 90). Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.19.19Ironically, you actually had more “freedom of expression” before the demand for cell phone numbers and Facebook accounts, then you did afterward on Huffington Post. After Dec. 10, no one could make out what the new guidelines were for commenting. Their comments certainly did not violate the published guidelines, nor any common understanding of civil behaviour. The comment kills were random, arbitrary, and sometimes appeared to be targeting certain individuals.Screen Shot 2013-12-28 at 20.22.34

This page is about those comments. I will start by demonstrating what is going on behind the scenes of Huffington Post, by publishing a few examples of my own comments. All of the following were deleted by the team of 50 comment nazis (aka “modzis“). None violated HP rules and guidelines. Click on them to enlarge. Feel free to post your own here, if you have kept copies of them!

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Huffington’s War On The HP Community


hpmeme7On Aug. 26, The Huffington Post announced it would end anonymity on the site for new signups. This was the end result of extensive polling and two-way dialogues with the HP commenting community over the course of the year, and in true democratic fashion, the majority of the HP community agreed this would be a step in a positive direction for the blog and a welcome change.

Nah, I’m just kidding. Those dictatorial mofos did not even attempt to ask a single one of their members for feedback on this. Oh, and they love putting up polls. They didn’t even query member “Forpeace”. Whom they actually cited in one of those early announcements, as a model member that we should all try to aspire to be like. She was one of the first to leave, after expressing her displeasure over the oppressive and humiliating new policy. That was one of the first signs that this was not a well-baked idea.

The result? From Sept. to Dec., this member was on there most days. Covering a wide range of articles and sections, as per usual. I saw no noticeable change in the comment conversations, other than one peculiar difference. During this period, it was the first time I’d spotted professional spammers. Worse, they were new signups. That means they had no trouble circumventing HP’s new verification requirements.


Then on Dec. 10, the boom fell. The Huffington Post actually rescinded their promise to allow older established members an exemption from their Facebook authentication policy. I believe the official reason given for that was “Fuck you. Next question”. Well, they actually never gave a reason. Later, they came up with some weasel words that sounded like this: ‘We realized we had to require all members to verify via Facebook, in order to require that everyone use their real names’. Except they don’t require that everyone use their real name. Built into the system is a rule exempting anyone in fear of harm or harassment if their real names are exposed.

So if they could make exceptions for some, they could very well have made exceptions for established members as well. As for making exceptions for those in fear of harm if exposed, this was actually more lying bullshit. Turns out, you practically need to be blessed by the pope, to get exempted from their real-names policy. Most members reported they were rejected; and not even given the courtesy of being told they were rejected.

So now all members, like it or not, had to go and get cellphones with text-plans, and open a Facebook account, to remain members of the commenting community. And while their Chief Executive Officer of Lying, Tim McDonald, said that all members were notified of this on login that day… that was simply not true. (But then, he’s just doing his job, isn’t he). As I can attest, the notification only came as a pop-up, that may have occurred long after you logged in. But only came up when you tried to post a comment. It gave you only two options:

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hpmeme4And with that one pop-up, one of the world’s largest online commenting communities, millions of members strong, got torn apart like a Japanese tsunami. Destroyed by its own host, The Huffington Post. For me, it was like… I didn’t realize how many neighbors I had, until I started seeing their washed up bodies piling up. Many of us started feeling the change, registered in the body count. Seeing our fan & friend numbers dwindle by the tens, then the dozens, then the hundreds…

Most of the people that were lost to the oppressive new changes, were in fact not the vicious trolls and rotten spammers HP told us they were doing this for. No, they were the very people that made the community. They included:

‘super users’, with 10,000 or more friends & fans
community pundits
the Disabled
old ladies living alone
women with stalking ex-es
congressional staffers
political appointees
government employees
PR reps
award winning journalists
anybody with a boss or an agency or a client where they can’t speak publicly without being seen as spokespeople
anybody living in a foreign country where Facebook is banned or social media comments might land you in prison


The changes HP effected on Dec. 10 had two components to them; external public changes, and internal private changes. ie. changes to the moderation policy. Massive changes. Here now is the skeleton of their ‘clever’ top-secret plan laid out bare:

Arianna Huffington announces to an audience in Boston, that she saw a few rape and death threats while ‘in London’. Turns out, she was only talking about reading some politically motivated threats from UK members on the Twitter that she once saw. They were concerning some controversy that brewed up around a particular figure. What did this have to do with her news rag? Absolutely zip scratch all. In 7 years of commenting on HP, I did not see any vicious trolls she talks about. And I never avoided controversial topics. Regardless, that appears to be enough to stand as her justification for obliterating everyone’s privacy on her news blog. Even though HP already had an “IGNORE” button (MUTE) that allows you to instantly block a troll. Plus a “FLAG” button to get him booted.

hpsadcatavtrThe HP community directors announce the site is now going to require “verification” and will post people’s real name on all their comments. Even ancient ones. They argue this will weed out the ne’er-do-wells and attract the “sophisticated grown-ups”. Of course, it does nothing of the sort. Both trolls and commercial spammers are reported running free, and there are no end of insolent comments exchanged between members. Most members opted to use only their first name. Well its certainly not seeing their first name that’s preventing them from being argumentative. So much for that all-out stupid “gut-check” theory community director Jimmy Soni explained would change the way people comment.

It didn’t change shit. However, what did change was that those insolent comments people were posting never made it through. Members reported 60 to 90% of their comments we’re not being accepted. The reasons for which could not be found in HP’s community guidelines. Indeed, the comments that got rejected went beyond anyone’s guidelines this side of red China. As I and most others reported, there was no rhyme or reason for the incredibly intense battle the moderators were waging against the commenters.

On the “Turning The Page” thread, that announced the new policy, I averaged one direct post a day. That’s the number: 1, if you didn’t get that. And I was posting all day. Trying hard be as inoffensive as possible (which is not easy for me, but still. I learned to fake it pretty good). It just did not matter. I soon realized it did not matter what my comment said. There was never a time when they allowed two of my comments to follow, in a direct post.

It also seemed like they simply would not allow me to direct post more often than x number of hours. In addition to the single isolated post, I might have been able to get one or two replies to someone else’s post, in a day. So that’s where I usually tried to fire my target. Get something in quick before anyone else responds, so that my response would still be seen without people having to enter the dreaded “conversation carousel”. Community director Tim McDonald stated in an interview we had “wide latitude” to criticize HP. That turned out to be a lie too, because after a few days, moderation clamped down on the criticism in Tim’s thread. We all felt the effects of that unspoken change.

Now their plan became clear: The change in anonymity status was not resulting in any major change of ad hominem and other verboten comments. So they implemented a major change in moderation directives. Anything that might upset commenters or upset HP staff, especially moderators, gets zapped. That includes anything deemed “negativity”, and anything that strays too far from the majority opinion. Now only shiny happy people that mostly think along the same lines are what the world will be exposed to at HP.

So much for the “lively and dynamic” conversations they promised would happen as a result of this change.


hpmeme5No, the internet is not “growing up”. That’s a marketing campaign slogan Arianna and Co. used to justify their exploitation of members. On the whole, society is becoming more corrupt, mean, violent and cynical. These are the types of children and adults our societies are now creating. The internet is excaerbating the problem by removing social barriers. Hence the problem people are having with YouTube comments.

The internet didn’t start out this way, when society wasn’t as corrupted in the ways it is today. Back when the internet was mostly made of geeks, academics and military personnel, feuds weren’t really a problem. What the internet (and society) is becoming is more commercial. I was there before the virtual shopping carts, before all the annoying ads. So I saw and very much resent the commercialization of the internet. Now commerce is taking over the www, and thinks that it owns the place. Before sites on the world wide web were free, non-commercial and educational. Now companies owning commercial websites condition you to think you should be grateful they exist and willing to pay to visit their site. Or at the very least, sit back and let yourself be exploited for their commercial gain.

So “the internet is growing up” really means commercial interests are taking over the internet, cracking down on copyright infringers, becoming less tolerant of factors that harm their financial plans, and deciding that the internet had too many freedoms. Thus they are cracking down on free speech, which is what the promise of the internet was, in the very beginning. A place for the average person to share their voice. Whether or not it was something you wanted to hear. Now, netizens are simply seen by these interests as eyeballs with pocketbooks.


Screen Shot 2013-12-30 at 03.44.37It was hard enough to put up being lied to over the “grandfathering” of member accounts, and giving whatever privacy and security you may have left today over to a notorious exploitative organization like Facebook. But it became quickly evident to the battered remnants of the HP membership, that we were lied to about the reasons for destroying our community. It had nothing to do with “trolls”, vicious or otherwise. It had everything to do with ad metrics.

When they told us with this change they were after a “sophisticated” audience now, it had nothing to do with trolls or “civils”. It had to do with what they told advertisers on advertising sites: “If it’s just blue-collar people they’re selling their stuff to, [advertisers] shouldn’t come here.”- Jimmy Maymann, CEO. That explains why they did not give a damn to hear your sob story about how you can’t afford a cell phone. If you can’t afford a cell phone, you certainly have no business being a member of the new Huffington Post Country Club. And if you don’t have a Facebook account, then you’re not who they want. They want Facebookers with large social networks to spread their advertising to.

“Oh, are you disabled? Is the new “conversation carousel” commenting format hurting your widdle disabled wrists, on account of all the new clicks and popups? Oh, cry-cry, you poor little disabled. Get the hell out of our club, Cripples! The Huffington Post is now an exclusive community. So all you riff-raff can go hang out with your friends at Chuck n’ Cheese. Here, we’re targeting rich stupid sheeple with full motor capabilities, plump bank accounts and plugged into today’s social networks. ”

Oh, and those “conversation carousels”? Yeah, guess what. They lied to us about that too. They told us it would make the threads look cleaner and more organized. Everyone hated that change too, but HP ignored them. Well if you hate it now, wait ’til you see the future changes. It was designed so that it could hold more advertising than what would normally be on the page. And that advertising is said to target readers more directly; captive audience and all that.

More changes in store for 2014; they are planning on hiring additions to their large crew of “native advertising marketing agents“. In other words known as “sponsored content”. These are the insidious in-house authored articles that are starting to creep up around HP, that are simply thinly disguised ads. The articles might mention some cure-all solution to dandruff, then present you with a list of brand-named products who’s companies they have business arrangements with.

Welcome to The New Huffington Post. You’re in AOL’s world now, sucker.

“Oh a shot rang out
Fire up above
There’s one leg left
That you stand upon.”
– Emily Jane White